Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Linking ideas with government.

I have just spent a productive afternoon with the Head of Specialist and Inclusive Education at WCED.
He is very keen to hear more about this and is very aware that there are areas of great need. He is now looking at how people like me can work with WCED to improve provision.
He liked the "every Child Matters" mind map I showed him.
He agreed that a rethink needs to happen at all levels of inclusive education. 
He was interested in the whole approach I had -- including my concerns about text book layout, behaviour management, workshops for schools and a rethink of how funding is allocated. 
He has asked for some further information from me and will be in touch in the next month or so....

Friday, 31 October 2014

Introduction to Differentiation

Today I did my first workshop with some teachers at a local school.  It was a very brief introduction t a very broad topic -- differentiation.  I touched on techniques that can be done in class and as preparation.  We looked at differentiating for weaker and stronger learners.....  Often both groups can become difficult to manage, but for different reasons.

The comments I had were, in the main, positive.  The few negatives focused on differentiation being extra work.  It is, but there are ways of reducing the work by incorporating the principles of differentiation into your prep.

I look forward to offering more workshops to more schools in the future.

Friday, 3 October 2014

SEN Forum for Change

I have recently been touched by discussions with teachers and parents regarding the discrepancy between the Special Needs Provision available, and what is needed. I have set up a forum for parents and teachers with the aim of working with as many stakeholders as possible in order to bring about positive changes to SEN provision.
If you are interested in helping,, please join the forum below:
SEN Forum for Change, Western Cape

Monday, 29 September 2014

Mending Bridges

I have recently been talking to several parents who homeschool their children because their children's Special Needs are not being met by the schools they started in.  What saddens me is the stories they are telling me of being led up the garden path, being promised quick fixes and being passed from pillar to post by authorities and therapists, and even neglect by schools and teachers.
I have also been talking to the Department of Education as part of work I do with a SEN child that is being partially funded by the Department.  Representatives of the Department have acknowledged to me that they are becoming more and more aware that the current provision is insufficient and that there is a need to address this.
And so now I see that there is a HUGE gap between what is offered, what is needed and how Special Needs has been handled thus far.
I have been touched a great deal by all of this and am now looking at how I can try to help work towards possibly mending some bridges and maybe even getting new provision put in place while I'm at it.
But I cannot do it alone.  I need the help of parents, fellow teachers, therapists and government.  And only from those who are not in this to make a quick buck or promise a magic bullet.  Too many of these children have been promised quick fixes that didn't work and damaged their self esteem even further.
I do NOT promise to fix any problems.  I do promise to try and help where I can.  I do NOT want to cause any further harm.  I do want to use this as a starting point to allow flexibility in provision so that parents have choices.  No one should be forced to work within Department structures.  However, there should be government funded provision for those families who cannot afford to homeschool.
As a parent, you may not want to ever have anything to do with any authorities again.. You may feel you need all the help you can get.  You may even have the connections we need to set up a successful forum to help all the SEN children in this country in some way.
If you feel that you can help me in any way, be it by allowing me to use your story (anonymously) as part of the evidence needed to show where there have been significant failings, or by working more closely with me to set up such a forum, plea let me know.
This is not a one family problem.  It is bigger than any one of us and we need to work collectively to help each other and others.
From the meetings I have had with the Department, my success with the experimental programme they have allowed me to put in place has gone some way to get them to listen.  And to see that there is space for differentiated curricula.  Discussion with teachers of other pupils I work with has also shown that there are many many teachers who need training.  And who better to provide this training than a diverse group of experts -- ranging from therapist to parents (yes -- you as a parent are an expert in your child and his/her difficulties and one I and all other professionals will benefit from listening to).
If you are in any way interested, please contact me so we can start working together for our children.
Use the contact sheet on my website: http://kathkenyon.wix.com/learningkatremedial or email me on kathkenyon@gmail.com

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Remedial help on a shoestring -- a workshop for parents

I have seen a fair number of queries about helping children with special needs such as dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia abd so on from parents who have made it clear that private lessons are too expensive. 
There are several exercises and techniques that parents can try at home that won't break the bank. I cannot guarantee that they will work miracles, but they will not do any harm and should help, even if only marginally. 
If there is enough interest, then I would be happy to offer a workshop for parents. I am based in Claremont. 
Either respond to this message or message me.
There would be a nominal fee to cover costs.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Website and new services on offer!

We now have a website which lists a bit more info about what I offer.....

I not only offer remedial lessons, but also training for parents and schools on topics such as differentiation of work, behaviour management and using baseline assessments to target specific areas of need.

Please see the link below:


Thursday, 28 August 2014

Team Efforts

In my line of work, I have had to learn that managing the most difficult Special Educational Needs is a team effort.   This goes for physical, cognitive or behavioural problems.
As a parent it is important to find a team suitable for your child's needs.  Make sure that each team member is one you are comfortable with and that the team members are all in communication with one another.  The key role players should all center around the child, and the school should be at the core of the liaison between all parties, as, often, the teachers are the most able to see which interventions are having any effects (positive or negative).  However, you, as parents, are just as important team members, and should never feel that you cannot ask for regular feedback.
One of the children I currently work with has a multidisciplinary team where the majority of those involved see him less than once a week.  I see him four times a week, so I link with the rest of the team as much as possible with feedback about any concerns I have,, or any positive developments.
But how do you know which team players are ideal for your child?  Well, that all depends on the area of need.  At the core should be the class teacher/s, parents and the school principal.  From here, circumstances should dictate whether there should be input from occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, doctors, psychologists and even Social Services.
As the school usually deals with most of these, and has a great deal of contact with the child,, I would expect the school to be the pivotal point in liaising with all the other parties.  However, you, as parent, can choose to take on this role, and should be as involved as possible in any interventions that may be suggested.
And at the heart of all this team effort, it is vital to remember that the whole team wants the best for the child concerned.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Star wars....

I have been teaching the solar system to one of my students.  His ASD means that he has spatial awareness issues, tactile issues and fine motor problems. An activity that worked well in helping with all these issues and provided a multisensory platform for studying the solar system has been making a model using plasticine. He has had to get used to the texture, scale the planets correctly and manipulate the clay to get the right shape and colours.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Hooking the Bookworm.....

Almost always, when I am approached by concerned parents or colleagues about a struggling child, I discover that the child is a reluctant reader.  This may be for a variety of reasons.  Dyslexia can make a child physically ill from the vertigo caused by the movement of the text.  Similarly a short term memory or language processing delay can cause headaches.  It is not wonder, then, why children (and adults) with these problems are reluctant to read.  I would avoid anything that made me feel ill too.
The problem comes in with the fact that children need to be able to read to succeed in an academic sphere, and a great deal of status is placed on academic achievement.  So how does one get Little Johnny to actually read that book and not just stare at the pages during his allotted reading time in class?
Firstly, there is no magic spell to make a child read.  And no simple answer.  But there are a few tricks of the trade that I have tried and have had success with:
1.  Discover the child's passion
Ask the child what s/he really likes.  And don't turn your nose up at it.  You might not see why 22 men chasing a ball around and kicking it with their feet is so important, but it is to Little Johnny.  As for why Li'L Wayne's ride is dope.....  just as important to Little Judy.....
Now the fun begins.  Encourage the child to find out as much as they can about this topic.  Get them to bring you a different, interesting fact each day/week.  Make it into a game.  Offer rewards for the student with the best facts, most facts, funniest facts and so on.  Ensure you find a way of rewarding all ability levels for what they achieve.
2. Let them read ANYTHING
So often I have met teachers who turn their noses up at gossip magazines and comics, as if to say "that isn't REALLY reading".  Well why isn't it?  It has words.
Reading is not something that should be made elitist.  But it often is.  If your child loves comics, or magazines or browsing Wikipedia, then that is OK.  Staring at a book and not seeing the words is NOT.
I have worked with many children who tell you they hate reading, but will spout off scores from the whole premier league, along with statistics about each player.  When asked where this comes from, they sheepishly pull out a tattered and well thumbed football magazine.  They are always shocked when I then praise their reading skills -- after all a football magazine isn't really reading, is it?
3.  Make it fun
This is a tricky one, especially for older children.  But it is an important one to use with younger children in order to keep them hooked on reading.  Use rewards, treasure hunts, colouring pages, projects,, re-enactments, games, arts and crafts and discussions to keep the fun element.  And join in with the activities too.  Many children's authors now have whole websites with activities linked to their books.  Some have entire schemes of work which include a wide range of subjects, and are not just geared for English lessons.  In fact, I have found a few that are an ideal setup for homeschooling as they cover several subject areas in one activity, and do so in such a way as to encourage the child to really want to find out more.
4. Start them young
This one really only does work with babies and very young children.  And yes, I did say babies.  Soft cloth books are the best for very young babies as they are easy to hold and manipulate.  Board books are better for older babies and toddlers.  The big problem here is cost.  But there are ways to reduce the cost.  Allow your child to page through old magazines.  Stitch together bright unused dish cloths or clean rags, make simple books from magazines and paper and glue.  They may not be as long lasting, but the concept is there.
Once you have books for the babies, make time to sit with them and page through the book (if you are allowed to) or get them to "read" to members of the family -- even the dog might enjoy a story now and again!

These are just some ideas.  I know there are plenty more and that some things will work some days and not others and some might not work with your child at all.  Hopefully some of these ideas will help your reluctant reader find a way to tackle the reading that has to be done, and maybe even enjoy some that doesn't.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Young inventor's kit from desertwind

Found this on a great blog...... it's a great way of allowing practical skills to develop using curiosity as a spring board......


Saturday, 19 July 2014

Is he naughty or lost?

So often I hear parents tell me how their children's teachers say how lazy or naughty the children are. Yet, when I look more closely at the child, things are not as they seem.
Yes, there are times when kids are naughty or lazy, but more often than not, there is more to it than that.
A bright child will become disruptive and distractible when bored. And frustrated with work that is not stimulating. Eventually this becomes poor behaviour and a cycle of problems that could have been avoided by extending the child.
A child with learning difficulties may feel lost and frustrated by the work and the way it is taught.  This frustration may be exacerbated by difficulties in expressing him or herself. Eventually tjis frustration and resulting low self esteem manifests as poor behaviour.
Often all it takes is a teacher finding out where the problem is, and seeking ways to acknowledge and manage the situation in a way that empowers the child appropriately.


When studying castles, we decided to use what we learnt to make one. This is a good way to assess understanding ad well as working on spatial awareness and fine motor skills.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Please like my Facebook page


Differentiated curricula

I am working with a student who is resistant to the idea of school. In particular, he hates maths and refuses to attempt it. What's working with him is a highly individualised curriculum where I am targeting his intetests and embedding the core skills of literacy and numeracy within this framework.

Need a Remedial Teacher in Cape Town?

I am an experienced remedial teacher offering private remedial lessons for children with literacy and numeracy difficulties. I have experience with a wide range of learning difficulties, including adhd, dyslexia, Dyscalculia, aspergergers syndrome, amongst others.