Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The amazing benefits of Scouts and Cubs

I am in the fortunate position of having rediscovered the joys of the Scouting movement.  In doing so, I am reminded of the wonderful skills that I learnt when I was a Brownie.  I am witnessing the development of children through exposure to a whole series of valuable life skills not in the National curriculum, but that are probably more useful.
Scouting today is no longer the gender segregated organisation of years gone by.  Now Scout groups are mixed across gender, culture and any other label's lines.  The children all learn to work together and are taught skills such as how to lay a fire, how to make a billy can and to use it to boil an egg, how to sew on a button, basic first aid, making and deciphering secret codes and so much more.
So I look at this wonderful extra curricular activity, and I wonder why it has not been incorporated into the National curriculum?  Surely the basic skills taught here, in an environment where the children have fun while they learn, are key?  How hard would it be to offer Scouts and Cubs at school?  Especially as the long term effects would, in all likelihood, engender entrepreneurship and creativity, as well as more independent and critical thinkers?

Monday, 30 March 2015

Wouldn't it be good....

If all businesses did things like this...

Samsung have brought out software to help hearing impaired people hear.  Wonder what other companies could do....

I have contacted Samsung to see what else they are happy to help with....  So fingers crossed....

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Improving Inclusive Education

I have embarked on a mammoth project -- namely improving inclusive education in South Africa.
I have become more and more aware that there are several simple things that can be done in the near future, as well as serious policy changes that need to be made.  So I have been in touch with a ever widening group of amazing people for help on how to do this....
I have begun discussions on Facebook, set up meetings with a variety of key players -- including the Education Department, and am now looking for people able and willing to give some of their time to children in need.
To this end, if anyone is reading this who is a therapist or teacher and who is willing to give a couple of hours a month to help out, please contact me for more info.  Your time can be offered free or at a discounted rate from your usual fee.  The important thing is to help empower our children.
For more info you can email me directly on:
or you can complete the form on my website:
There is also my Facebook forum where ideas can be raised and discussed:

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Sharing ideas......

I have just had lunch with a fascinating man. He is quadriplegic and is heavily involved in quadriplegic sa. He was interested to hear my ideas and had some great points to add.
He is also keen to set up a web based database to help people sources equipment, therspists, teachers, suitable schools and any other resource that may be useful.